Super Dragon

AAAHAHHHHHH I may be a little bit obsessed with this man. For people who don't know who Super Dragon is, he's basically the God of American indie wrestling. He's one of the founders of Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, and is still the owner and main booker today. Thoughout his wrestling career, he gained a reputation for having super brutal looking moves, like the Psycho Driver and the Curb Stomp. Super Dragon is my emotional support middle aged man :]

Also, this dude has irreparably changed my music taste. All his entrance songs are bangers, and PWG show titles are usually a reference to a song or band. So yeah, I started listening to Kool Keith, Faith No More, and N.W.A. because of Super Dragon (shrug)

Super Dragon isn't an active wrestler anymore, and hasn't had a match since 2015. He does make occasional appearances at PWG shows though, and the last time he showed up was at Mystery Vortex 7 in 2021.

Favorite Matches

Super Dragon vs. Excalibur (Guerrilla Warfare) - Jason Takes PWG, May 13th, 2005

This match is legit just Excalibur and Super Dragon beating the shit out of each other for 20 minutes, and I love it. Super Dragon curb stomping Excalibur in the ladder is one of my favorite spots ever!!

Super Dragon & Kevin Steen vs. The Young Bucks (Guerrilla Warfare) - PWG FEAR, December 10th, 2011

Super Dragon vs. TARO (Mask vs. Mask) - Revolution Pro Four Year Anniversary, November 29th, 2003

This match has no right to go as hard as it does.

Super Dragon & Excalibur vs. Kevin Steen & El Generico - CZW Cage of Death VI, December 11th, 2004

Super Dragon vs. Disco Machine - Revolution Pro Dojo Mojo 2, February 25th, 2000

Idk why, but this is a comfort match for me :]

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