A large image that says About Me. The colour of the letters is a gradient (yellow to green to light blue to dark blue to purple). The background is a gradient (pink to dark blue to cyan to green to yellow). There is a blue border around the text and background.

The Basics

Name: Jaime

Pronouns: he/they

Gender: trans guy

Sexuality: pan/queer

Age: 18

Birthday: February 6th

Country: Canada

The Webmaster

An image of a dancing skeleton on the right side of the text. The skeleton is wearing pink and yellow shoes with blue shoelaces. The background of the image is purple with black zebra stripes.Howdy! My name is Jaime!! I’m a queer/pansexual trans guy, and my pronouns are he/they. I also have ADHD and autism, and I feel like that explains most things on this site lol. This site was really just made as a way to share my interests, and to practice coding with HTML and CSS. I’m still not very good with coding, so that’s why some things might be messy or broken. Sorry!!! Other than working on this site, I enjoy drawing, making kandi, playing video games, watching wrestling, sewing, building robots, exploring old web archives, and researching my special interests/hyperfixations.

When it comes to fashion, I like a few different styles. Though I often don't have the time/energy to get dressed up, I try to mix bits of the styles I like into my wardrobe while also staying comfortable. Since I learned to sew, I've really been wanting to make a pair of patch pants or a patch vest, since I'm inspired by punk subcultures! I also tend to wear a lot of kandi when I want to dress up. Even when I'm just wearing comfy clothes, I still have a few comfort pieces I like to wear/keep with me that are related to my special interests :]

I know two languages! My first language is English, but I also learned French (specifically Ontarian French) when I was around 5 because the majority of people where I live are bilingual. I don't speak French much myself anymore, but I can still understand it. Some other languages I'd like to learn are Japanese and Spanish! I've looked into Japanese a little bit (done some lessons through Busuu, downloaded some translator/dictionary extentions), but sadly I haven't had time to dedicate to really learning it. I basically just know random words and simple phrases lol.



large crowds, mustard,

roborockett 2021-2024