Pro wrestling has been a huge part of my life, and as far as I can remember was my first major special interest. I started watching WWE shows around 2012-2013, and I became a huge fan of The Shield, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, and John Cena. I went searching online for more content and found matches and promos from the Attitude Era, and I immediately fell in love. I was facinated with the way stories were told in the ring, and how characters like The Rock and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin could draw the attention of massive audiences.

My special interest went away in mid-2017 and came back around the start of December 2022, and I've been suffering from wrestling brainrot since then lol. I don't watch WWE as much as I used to, and instead I've been enjoying AEW, ECW, NJPW, DDT, PWG, and DPW! I've also been trying to get into GCW, TNA, ROH, Stardom, and a bunch of other indie promotions lol.

My favourite promotion is probably Pro Wrestling Guerrilla! There's just something about the vibe of their shows that I absolutely love. A lot of my favourite wrestlers started to gain popularity here, and they even bring in some wrestlers from bigger companies like New Japan from time to time! If you're a fan of AEW and NJPW, then you'll probably really enjoy PWG! They don't run as much as they used to, but this little company still holds a very special place in my heart :]

I went to my first wrestling show on August 26th, 2023! It was super fun!!!!! I got to give Alan Angels a Dark Order bracelet that I made!!

(some of) My favourite wrestlers!!

  • Jon Moxley
  • Kenny Omega
  • Matt & Nick Jackson
  • Bryan Danielson
  • Kota Ibushi
  • Hayabusa
  • Kazuchika Okada
  • Eddie Kingston
  • "Hangman" Adam Page
  • Chris Sabin
  • Hiromu Takahashi
  • Konosuke Takeshita
  • Chris Brookes
  • Super Dragon
  • Kevin Steen/Owens
  • Sami Zayn/El Generico

These are some matches that are important to me personally, or that I just really enjoy lol.

  • Shane McMahon vs. Kurt Angle (WWF King of the Ring 2001) - Both Kurt Angle and Shane McMahon are underrated in my opinion. I think this match shows how good both of them are at storytelling in the ring, plus there are some pretty crazy spots. Kurt broke his tailbone hitting a suplex on the enterance area, and Shane got dropped on his head a few times when Kurt was trying to send him through panes of glass!!
  • Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Steve Corino (ECW Hardcore Heaven 2000) - This is the first full ECW match I ever watched! I had only ever seen Tajiri's more comedic character in the WWF/WWE, so it was interesting to see how good he actually is in the ring. Be warned though, there are some offensive comments made by Corino about Tajiri being Japanese before the match starts, so if you aren't comfortable with early 2000s edgy humor you might want to skip this one. If it makes it any better, Corino gets his ass kicked lol.
  • Kenny Omega vs. Kazuchika Okada (NJPW Dominion 6.9) - This is Kenny and Okada's third match for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship, and the time Kenny actually won!!! I guess the whole "third time's the charm" thing is true lol. This match is post-Golden Lovers reunion, so Kota Ibushi was in Kenny's corner alongside the Young Bucks for this one. It's so satisfying seeing Kenny finally getting a win over Okada, especially if you know the story leading up to this match. Just know this is best two out of three falls, so it's pretty long (a little over an hour).
  • The Elite vs. The Inner Circle (AEW Double or Nothing 2020) - This is just a super fun match! It's cool seeing how much the wrestlers could do in an empty arena, and shows how creative AEW was getting at the height of the pandemic. There are some pretty funny spots, like Hangman chasing Sammy Guevara on a horse and Matt Hardy changing between his old gimmicks. Also, Kenny Omega hits a god tier One-Winged Angel to end the match. Seriously, even if you aren't interested in watching the whole thing, you should go out of your way to see this OWA.
  • Kenny Omega vs. Kota Ibushi (DDT 2009) - Ahhhhh, the Golden Lovers' humble beginnings. This is Kenny's second match ever in Japan, and the first time he and Ibushi shared a ring! Kind of unbeliveable since they work so well together here lol. If you'd like to see something cute that led to this match, this is a video of a very young Kenny Omega challenging Ibushi!
  • Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton vs. Batista (Wrestlemania 30) - This match is a core memory for me lol. This is peak Yes Movement Daniel Bryan and I absolutely bought into it when I was a kid, rooting for the underdog when the odds were constantly stacked against him. I can vividly remember my excitement when Batista finally tapped out, and how loud I was cheering seeing Bryan holding both the WWE Championship and the World Heavyweight Championship.
  • Excalibur vs. Super Dragon (Jason Takes PWG) - I honestly don't know why I like this match so much lol. It's just Ex and Super Dragon fucking eachother up for 20 minutes, but it's so important to me.

roborockett 2021-2023